
Electrical Terms

Practical unit of pressure;
practical unit of electromotive force.
The force or pressure that is required to move the electrons in a circuit.


This is the unit of resistance.
The resistance to the flow of electrons.
Resistance is introduced into a circuit to reduce or limit current flow and voltage.
It's important to have an understanding of resistance for calculation purposes.


Ampere=Unit of current.
When electrons move along a conductor,this means there is now current flowing in the circuit measured in amperes(amps).The more electrons flowing,the larger the current.


Practical unit of power.(work being done)
In an electrical circuit, if you multiply the voltage maintained across the circuit, by the amperes flowing through the circuit, this will equal to the power output, or dissipation in Watts.




Conventional current flow:
Conventional current flow from positive to Negative.


Electron flow:
Electrons flow in the opposite direction to conventional.


Current flow:
Current flow from Negative to Positive.

