
Treaty of Waitangi and Sustainability Worksheet

TTEC4849 Business Practice and Vehicle Safety

Treaty of Waitangi and Sustainability Worksheet

How does sustainability and freedom from pollution pertain to the treaty?

Instructions: Read the Treaty and answer the questions below. This may be used for theory classroom discussion.

HER MAJESTY VICTORIA Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland regarding with Her Royal Favour the Native Chiefs and Tribes of New Zealand and anxious to protect their just Rights and Property and to secure to them the enjoyment of Peace and Good Order has deemed it necessary in consequence of the great number of Her Majesty's Subjects who have already settled in New Zealand and the rapid extension of Emigration both from Europe and Australia which is still in progress to constitute and appoint a functionary properly authorised to treat with the Aborigines of New Zealand for the recognition of Her Majesty's Sovereign authority over the whole or any part of those islands – Her Majesty therefore being desirous to establish a settled form of Civil Government with a view to avert the evil consequences which must result from the absence of the necessary Laws and Institutions alike to the native population and to Her subjects has been graciously pleased to empower and to authorise me William Hobson a Captain in Her Majesty's Royal Navy Consul and Lieutenant-Governor of such parts of New Zealand as may be or hereafter shall be ceded to her Majesty to invite the confederated and independent Chiefs of New Zealand to concur in the following Articles and Conditions.

Article the first [Article 1]

The Chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes of New Zealand and the separate and independent Chiefs who have not become members of the Confederation cede to Her Majesty the Queen of England absolutely and without reservation all the rights and powers of Sovereignty which the said Confederation or Individual Chiefs respectively exercise or possess, or may be supposed to exercise or to possess over their respective Territories as the sole sovereigns thereof.

Article the second [Article 2]

Her Majesty the Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs and Tribes of New Zealand and to the respective families and individuals thereof the full exclusive and undisturbed possession of their Lands and Estates Forests Fisheries and other properties which they may collectively or individually possess so long as it is their wish and desire to retain the same in their possession; but the Chiefs of the United Tribes and the individual Chiefs yield to Her Majesty the exclusive right of Preemption over such lands as the proprietors thereof may be disposed to alienate at such prices as may be agreed upon between the respective Proprietors and persons appointed by Her Majesty to treat with them in that behalf.

Article the third [Article 3]

In consideration thereof Her Majesty the Queen of England extends to the Natives of New Zealand Her royal protection and imparts to them all the Rights and Privileges of British Subjects.
(signed) William Hobson, Lieutenant-Governor.
Now therefore We the Chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes of New Zealand being assembled in Congress at Victoria in Waitangi and We the Separate and Independent Chiefs of New Zealand claiming authority over the Tribes and Territories which are specified after our respective names, having been made fully to understand the Provisions of the foregoing Treaty, accept and enter into the same in the full spirit and meaning thereof in witness of which we have attached our signatures or marks at the places and the dates respectively specified. Done at Waitangi this Sixth day of February in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.

1.  What part of the Treaty relates to pollution and sustainability? Write the phrase that relates here: (If you can’t find it, reread Article 2)

 Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs and Tribes of New Zealand and to the respective families and individuals thereof the full exclusive and undisturbed possession of their Lands and Estates Forests Fisheries and other properties which they may collectively or individually possess so long as it is their wish and desire to retain the same in their possession.

2.  What are ways that modern civilization could pollute the land, the sea, or the air?

  There are many things can pollute land the sea or the air for example oil spill that happened recently in tauranaga that polluted the sea it had really big impact on it killed lots of fishes making the water oily and contaminated for them to swim there as well.
  The land gets contaminated by the excessive farming and deforestation. It causes soil erosion and thus the most fertile layer of the earth gets eroded.
  The air gets polluted by the emissions from the cars and the factories. The residual that comes out from the industries also cause the air quality getting worse.

3.  What New Zealand legislation directs what should happen about pollution? (You may need to do an internet search to find this.) Record your answers here:

The Resource Management Act 1991 is New Zealand’s environmental protection legislation. The Act’s purpose is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources. There are three sections, 15, 17 and 340, that are specifically relevant to your responsibility to prevent pollution.

Section 15 prohibits unauthorised discharges of contaminants to land and water. Put simply, this means that nothing but rainwater can be discharged onto the ground, into stormwater drains or into streams, lakes or the sea without authorisation from the Regional Council. It is illegal to cause pollution and substantial penalties can be imposed, including fines up to $200,000 and up to two years imprisonment. See Section 15 of The Resource Management Act 1991 on www.legislation.govt.nz

Section 17 makes individuals responsible for ensuring that their activities do not result in pollution. Everyone must take responsibility for his or her actions. If you are the director of a company, you are also responsible for ensuring that all of your staff and contractors are aware of this responsibility. See Section 17 of The Resource Management Act 1991 on www.legislation.govt.nz

Section 340 makes you responsible for works carried out on your behalf (i.e. by your employees or people you have contracted or subcontracted to) and means you can be held liable for any unauthorised discharges to ground or the stormwater system as a result of those activities. See Section 340 of The Resource Management Act 1991 on www.legislation.govt.nz

Air pollution monitoring is done by a number of organisations in New Zealand, including the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR), the National Institute for Water and Atmosphere (NIWA), Regional Councils and industry. 

