
Identifying, Testing and Combining Resitors

Colour identification
Resistors can be indentified by a code using the colour and position of the bands.
First two or three bands may be the numbers to write down
Next band is the multiplier ( how many zeros to add to the number)
Gold multiplier makes one decimal place smaller, Silver makes two decimal places smaller
Last band to right may be tolerance values
Notic the examples on the right
Brown, Red, Orange, Gold=1,2,1000,5%=12000Ω 5%, or 12KΩ
Some people use this saying to help them remember the colour:


Indentification and combining practice:
1. Obtain 6 resistors of different values. You are then going to determine their value two ways:
Use the colour code to calculate the value of the resistor.
Measure the resistor value with a multimeter.

Record the values in the chart below
Band Colours            Measured Value              Low Tolerance              HigH Tolerance           PASS/FAIL
and calculations         (multi-meter reading)         Value                             Value
y,v,y, g=0.47MΩ5%     0.464MΩ                       0.440MΩ                      0.487MΩ                   PASS
r,r,y,g=0.22MΩ5%       0.215MΩ                       0.204MΩ                      0.226MΩ                   PASS
br,b,y,g=100KΩ5%      99.2KΩ                         94.24KΩ                       104.16KΩ                 PASS
y,v,o,g=47KΩ5%         46.5KΩ                         44.18KΩ                       48.83KΩ                    PASS
r,r,o,g=22KΩ5%          21.8KΩ                         20.71KΩ                       22.89KΩ                    PASS
br,b,o,g=10KΩ5%       9.84KΩ                         9.35KΩ                         10.33KΩ                    PASS

2. Choose two resistors and record their individual ohm resistance value measured with a multi-meter
          Resistor 1     99.3Ω                                     Resistor 2     469Ω

3. Put these two resistor together in series ( end to end, one right after another) and measure their combined value. Record below:
1 and 2 in series:     568Ω

4. Put these two resistors together in parallel ( conect the ends when they are side-by-side). Measure their combined value. Record below:
1 and 2 in parallel:     82Ω

5. What principles of electricity have you demonstrated with this? Explain:
When put two resistors together in series, the combined value should be resistor 1 + resistor 2, and the toal value should be bigger than resistor 1 or resistor 2. When put two resistors together in parallel, the combined value should be 1/Rt=1/R1+1/R2, and the total value in parallel should be lower than resistor 1.

